Why did we make this website?

What does this site do?

This site was created in order to provide information. It has been circulated that because R’ Avraham Ort has left his family penniless, Mrs. Ort was forced to resort to Arka’os shel akum. We wish to present a side of the story not heard until now.

The Goal:

It is our hope that you will be spurred to ask yourself, “What can I do to help alleviate this family’s terrible situation?” At present, the family reputation is being tarnished by Mrs. Ort’s steadfast refusal to adhere to the p’sak of the Gedolei HaRabbanim to resolve these matters in a Bais Din. And most tragic of all,  the children  have been estranged from their father, unable to deal with the conflicting stories and facts to which they are exposed.Another goal is that with these facts becoming common knowledge, the parties involved will go to a Beis Din to resolve their differences, as halacha requires.(We consider it a grave sin to take up the cause of one of the sides in the dispute. We state clearly that we do not truly know who is in the right and to what extent. However there is a forum for resolving disputes – Beis Din. There is where the matter needs to be taken, and only there.)

What is not the goal:

The purpose of this site and all the documentation is NOT to point fingers or to lay blame at the feet of anyone in a personal way. In any divorce, emotions run high, the pain is great and people are driven to act in a way that they themselves would never have contemplated under normal circumstances. Chazal have taught, “a person is not indicted for what he does when under duress” (Bava Basra 16B).What is important is not to point fingers to the past, but rather to attempt healing for the future. Rav Avrohom has repeatedly stated his willingness to adjudicate the matter in front of the Bais Din which the Roshei Yeshiva (of BMG) have selected as impartial, or to work out a settlement which would generously provide for Mrs. Ort and the children while returning to R’ Avrohom the rest of his rightful inheritance.

What we present here:

We present documentation here that shows how Mrs. Ort received MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in liquid assets, aside from the value of the real estate R” Avrohom inherited from his parents. Meanwhile, he is left penniless, forced to stay abroad as a result of a court order mandating that he go to work to meet his child support obligations! As some of the readers may not be aware, assets gifted to children do NOT relieve the legal obligation of child support. We document how R” Avrohom gifted his children with millions of dollars. The children who are old enough legally, have taken custody of this money. Mrs. Ort is custodian of the funds of those children not legally of age to control the assets gifted to them.

Where you come in:

You may be thinking, OK, so you presented information. What can I do to help?PLEASE: If you truly wish to partake in this Mitzvah, to bring peace to the entire family, if you truly wish to bring an end to bitterness and recriminations, once and for all then try to:1. Speak to Mrs. Ort as a true friend and sympathizer, and explain to her how everyone gains by laying this matter to rest once and for all. Her phone number is 732-367-8011.2. Speak to Mrs. Steinberg. She is a close friend, active in this matter, who wields much influence. Prevail upon her to help Mrs. Ort in a positive way to seek to settle all issues, so that healing can begin. Her phone number is 732-363-6330.3. If you feel able, speak to her cousin R’ Ira Adler. He attempted to aid her by channeling her mother in-law’s money in a way which would be beneficial to Mrs. Ort. Perhaps he can now aid her by giving her beneficial advice on how to abate the situation in time to salvage the family reputation. His phone number is 845-425-5706.4. Mrs. Ort’s brother in-law, R’ Ephraim Dovid Gruskin, has been deeply involved behind the scenes advising her on all issues. He could be a positive influence when it becomes apparent to all that Mrs. Ort and the children will only gain from settling the matter Al Pi Halacha and Daas Torah as befits a family of such torahdik roots. His phone number is 732-826-7788.5. The Roshei Yeshiva Shlita, have been doing their utmost to bring the entire matter to an impartial Bais Din that will be empowered to settle all issues and enforce their ruling. Despite their overburdened schedules, they have tried to speak to Mrs. Ort, they have spoken to some of the children and even taken time to show up at the courthouse to make clear their position that Rav Avrohom is entitled to be heard by a Bais Din Shel Yisroel. Contact them. Thank them for their time and untiring efforts. Ask them what you can do to alleviate this chillul hashem and settle this for good, Al Pi Toraseinu Hakdosha, in the Ihr Hatorah.Any constructive comments will be appreciated and whenever possible be posted! Thank you for reading and hopefully helping.
A Pushata Yid