The Adler Story

On Jan 30, 2000, two weeks after R’ Avrohom Ort moved out of the marital home, R’ Ira (Yitzchak) Adler of 12 Wallenberg Circle, Monsey N.Y., a musmach of Yeshivas Rabbenu Yitzchak Elchanan and a first cousin of Mrs. Manya Ort, received a “donation” of $600,000.00 with instructions to distribute it to “charity” -no particular charity. The money had been removed from the personal account of R’ Avrohom’s mother A”h after her passing, by Mrs. Manya Ort, by means of a defunct power of attorney.

When questioned in court as to why he accepted this money, which had been removed from R’ Avrohom’s mother’s account, he blandly responded that he had had no idea that the money may have come from Mrs. Manya Ort or her mother in law’s account.
R’ Avrohom summoned R’ Adler to a Din Torah in front of three prominent rabbonim, universally recognized as anshei emes and gedolei Torah. For fourteen months R’ Adler refused to come to them or any Beis Din that did not have a previously established position on this case.
The attached is the Seruv that was issued on him earlier this year, and when re-examined upon R’ Adler’s request, re-affirmed in June of this year.

$600,000 was taken from Mrs. Ort Sr.’s account, R’ Avraham Ort’s mother, and was ostensibly given to “charity”!

Mrs. Ort acknowledged in her deposition that in January 2000 she took $350,000 from the bank account of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ort senior, (who had passed away in November 1999) and wired it to another account belonging to Mrs. Ort Sr. in Israel, containing $250,000. She then gave the entire amount, $600,000 to her cousin R’ Ira Adler, 12 Wallenberg Circle, Monsey NY. She asserts that she instructed him to disburse the $600,000 to “a yeshiva” (unnamed!).

(Note date: January 4, 2000 – exactly one month BEFORE filing suit for divorce!)

Letter in her own hand authorizing the transfer;

The deposition in which she acknowledges giving the money to “a yeshiva”:

Here is the deposition Rabbi Adler gave;

This mean: a 19 year-old girl who had never worked a day in her life came to him with SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS and asked him to give it away to charity (any charity!) and it never occurred to him to ask her where she got all that money and why she is giving it away. Right.

Incidentally, on the topic of Rabbi Adler’s testimony, look through the attached transcript. He states three times (par. 5, par. 7, par. 10). that when he took the money from Miriam Ort, he had “no idea” that the money came to Miriam from her mother, Mrs. Manya Ort. He further states (par. 10) that he discussed with Mrs. Ort the fact that daughter Miriam had given him the money but still “did not know” that the money came from Mrs. Ort.

Marvelous. Simply marvelous. The Rabbi testifies that a 19 year-old girl who had never worked a day in her life came to him with SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS and asked him to give it away to charity (any charity) and it never occurred to him to ask her where she got all that money and why she is giving it away.

He even acknowledges speaking to the mother and telling her that he received over half a million dollars from her daughter, but it never occurred to him to ask the mother if she knows anything about the origin of the money.

All this testified by a Rabbi, under affirmation (legal equivalent of an oath).
Simply marvelous.

I just wonder what the attorneys and others present were thinking when they heard the Rabbi’s testimony.

I wonder what the judge was thinking when he read the Rabbi’s testimony from the transcript…

Also attached here is is a letter sent out to Rabbi Adler’s friends and acquaintances asking their help in bringing this matter to a Beis Din.